How to Make Time For Your Health and Fitness in Your Role As a Mom

Finding time for yourself once you’re a mom can present an interesting challenge, particularly if you are new to the world of motherhood. There is a substantial adjustment period to reconcile your prebaby life with your new life devoid of sleep, energy, and a shirt without spit up on it! I remember calling a friend after my son was born to find out exactly how I was supposed to fit a shower in to my day and what to do with my son while I was in said shower!The good news is that once you make it through the initiation stage of motherhood, you figure out a routine and fall into a groove the more you get to know the ins and outs of your little one. Now that you’ve figured all that out, it’s time to put yourself back together again.In order to take care of your family, you must take care of yourself and your needs too. Taking care of yourself translates into taking care of your health and fitness. Here are three tips to help you make time to do just that!Tip #1: Make It Happen: It is imperative that you make time for yourself. In order to do that you are going to have to build it into your routine and around the routine of your little one. Whether you’re working out at home or at a gym, you will have to carefully calculate feeding and naptime in order to ensure that you can fit your workout in.Tip #2: Plan Ahead: Being prepared means planning ahead. If your headed to the gym, make sure you have a copy of the gym schedule so you know what classes are offered that coincide with your window of opportunity, pack the baby bag the night before, set your alarm, and be prepared to workout on little to no sleep.Tip #3: No Excuses: As a new mom, there are plenty of excuses to skip the workout. However, excuses won’t get you to where you want or need to be which is healthy, fit, and energized. Remember, you can always catch up on your sleep when the baby naps!Health & Success