7 Simple Steps to Video Marketing

With over two BILLION video views on YouTube every day, it’s easy to understand how it’s become the second largest search engine behind Google (which also owns YouTube).

There are two questions to address here:

  • If you’re not using video to promote your network marketing business why not?
  • Why aren’t your YouTube videos getting found or being viewed?

You probably know by now that video is incredibly useful in the world of internet and network marketing. You can use video on your website, post the same video to YouTube and use it in your e-mail marketing campaigns as well.

If you’ve heard the terms “self-branding” or “attraction marketing” both these techniques for attracting prospects and traffic to a website can be achieved by using video that you are in yourself.

Below are some tips for making sure your videos (and you’re going to start making them aren’t you?) will have a better chance of ranking. Google does include relevant videos in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and you may find if you follow the tips below your video could rank above your own site and that will attract additional, free traffic and more leads.

1. Understand what your Target Market Wants

In network marketing you are promoting a product and an opportunity. If you have a website you probably know where your target market hangs out on the internet. This could be in forums, on blogs or in a Facebook group. Perhaps you already get ideas for articles from these sources, and they are also the best places for finding ideas to start your video series.

If people are having a specific problem make a video addressing that problem and the solution your product or opportunity offers. Concentrate on one problem in any video and provide a solution and anything that is titled “how to”, “tips for” etc. usually attract a lot of viewers.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is not just for writing articles, use Google’s free keyword tool to find words and phrases that people are using relevant to the video you want to make. Don’t skimp on this part; look for keywords with low competition but a good number of daily searches, perhaps over 1000. If you find that Google’s keyword tool is not sufficient for your needs there are many paid tools that you can use.

3. The Proof is in the Pudding

The one great thing about YouTube is viewers don’t expect to get Hollywood quality videos. In fact the ones that go viral tend to be made by ordinary people with few camera skills. You will come across as more genuine and likable than if you’re stiff and obviously reading from a script.

The value of a good video is what it has to say. Make sure that your title contains your keywords and delivers relevant content. There are far too many YouTube videos that are titled badly – they don’t deliver what they say they’re going to.

4. Production

Making a video that people want to watch includes keeping them entertained, amused and giving them information they need. A YouTube video doesn’t need to be more than a few minutes long unless you’re offering a training video. Some people say to add music, it may grab attention during the introduction but just make sure it doesn’t drown out what you’re saying. Make sure you have the right to use the music!

Keeping your viewers engaged will mean moving around and giving them something to look at. If you’re talking about a product make sure it’s visible and if you’re showing people how to use it make sure the video is clear. Pay attention to sound levels – many good videos are ruined by poor sound quality.

Interact with your viewers and talk to them like friends. Ask them to leave comments on your web site or offer suggestions for further videos. Use calls to action wherever possible in an engaging, not pushy way.

5. Use Tools to Enhance your Video

There are dozens of different tools you can use to make your video look a little more professional. Camtasia is a popular video tool that can help you edit and format your video easily.

There are many other tools that let you add photographs and other enhancements and some are free.

6. Roll Camera

Look at a long television commercial and see how it’s structured. You only have a couple of minutes to get your viewers’ attention so the beginning is probably the most important part. If you want an introduction with some music don’t make it too long or too loud and during that time state exactly what the viewer is going to discover in your video. End it with a call to action as above, or you can direct them to your website.

7. Ranking

When it gets time to post your video you will be confronted by a description box which should include your web address, or a link to a landing page. Then add a brief but keyword rich description about the content of your video.

Encouraging comments on your YouTube videos channel will help to rank all videos in your series. If you can encourage other site owners to link to your video, this will also help you to rank. You have to market your video in much the same way as you would a written article – the more eyes it gets on it the better it will be for your site’s ranking and the more traffic you will get.

If you include the same video on your website be sure to add a written description below it containing all your keywords.